What is Stories from the Future? 🔮

If you are interested in futures research - this is a newsletter for you.

Stories from the Future is a monthly newsletter with the latest news about futures studies, technological developments and deep dives into topics that discuss the future of humanity.

Ok, and also some science fiction and other pop culture stuff.

Don’t miss it! Just subscribe for free and every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

About the author - Peter Joosten MSc.

Futurist, innovation researcher, and keynote speaker Peter Joosten MSc. gives talks, webinars and workshops about technological developments and the impact on humanity, society, and the planet.

As a guest lecturer, he is affiliated with Eindhoven University of Technology (Master Human Technology Interaction) and Zwolle Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Bachelor Studies Global Project and Change Management.

In this newsletter, he will keep you updated about developments in the field of future studies, technological breakthroughs, and always has interesting books, series, movies and other media to share with you.

Subscribe to Stories from the Future

A monthly newsletter about (technological) developments, futures studies, and scenario's. And some science fiction and pop culture.


Human enhancement, augmentation, biohacking and transhumanism blog, videos, webinars & keynotes. By Peter Joosten MSc. | Site: https://peterjoosten.org